Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Way to long...

I have to first apologize for not writing on sooner.  Starting towards to end of October things got very busy.  I had the most amazing experience at Tres Dias and would love for all to be apart of this amazing group of woman.  God opened the door for me to sit at a table with woman who not only understood the panin I was dealing with after the loss of my friend but also the forgiveness that needed to come for my ex husband.  God gave me peace to nail those pains to the cross.  I left that weekend feeling released and reknewed.  The months to follow this amazing weekend have found me to be excited about the Thanksgiving and Christmas allowed me enjoy my time with Marty, my Mom, and Grandma.  Finding myself through this past year is what my mission was.  I had the blessed opportunity to share my fathers story at the memorial ceremony at the Leukemia and Lymophony Walk for Life.  I was nervious and excited all at the same time.  150 were present and I talked about the love I had for my father and how we handled the events.  God is good and I felt so good share that stroy.  I can't wait to be able to share again.  I will do my best to keep everyone up to date with my journey for the rest of the year.