Saturday, August 20, 2011

And the beat goes on....

So it has been a year since I started this blog and boy have I seen the Lord take me from the Valleys and renew in me a life.  During 2010 I took a break from school becuase it was just to hard with two jobs and helping Josh.  As of April of this year I started back to school and so far I have 2 A's and am about to finish my third class since my return and I believe I have a high B or low A.  I am enjoying the classes and look forward to digging more into the education classes that I start actually on Monday.  My relationship with John is awesome.  He is such the nicest man, he bought me a beautiful neckless for my birthday and went indoor skydiving with me.  He has such the sweetest heart and I love spending time with him.  We went to the Grand Canyon together in July and such a nice time taking in the sights between hiking or sharing a cool beer on the view point.  We stayed in this cabin on the rim and woke up to a beautiful sunrise, seeing the light rise around the Canyon was gorgious and priceless.  We even got a dog together, well it is more his dog then mine but she calls us Mom and Dad, lol..  She is a miniture schnauzer ( forgive the spelling) and her name is Roxy.  She is like 6 lbs and full of energy.  Life is so much different this year then last year, I mean, last year I remember laying in my bed at night alone, crying my eyes out from losing Josh feeling that God has to have someone for me.  Now I spend my evenings chasing a dog around the yard and/or hanging out with this awesome man.  At this point I couldn't be happier, my fears of losing John are there because of everything I have been through but I know that God is in control.  And as my dad always said, " raise up your hands and enjoy the ride."  Just continue to pray that God leads this relationship and that I enjoy the time we spend together.  I am truely blessed and even through the valleys I see the Lord guiding me, though I may stumble at times I always find my way back.