Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I know it has been a long time....

I have to apologize that it has taken me so long to write.  I found myself going into a depression state with everything dealing with Josh.  It took me till one day I heard someone say, " If they are not losing sleep over you, then why are you losing sleep over them."  Wow what a statement.  I woke up that day and found myself smiling again and loving life.  I am now in this wonderful state with myself. I love who I am and am excited to see what the Lord does with me next. 

I completed my first speaking engagment where I shared my fathers store and my journey with 150 people at the Light the Night Walk Remembrence Ceremony.  It went so well that I was asked to speak again next year.  God is good and he is giving me strength to let go and look ahead.  I wonder if my Dad was looking down and listening to me. My mom came down for the event and helped me decorate.  This is a big step for her as she usually does not do anything like this.  We also walked half of the walk because my mom was so sore from the first lap. 

I am currently working on the Christmas Program at the school I work for.  I took this play I found and worked it so it would fit the music we are singing and here we go.  I am getting more excited as it comes.  Please pray that the children do a great job and have fun with it.

Please pray that God continues to use me during this time to do all I can for him that I couldnt do while I was married. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did I not see your blog??? WOW - this is so great to read all of this. LOVE IT! I love the main picture on top...I started laughing. Its awesome. Yes, I am sure your dad knows you spoke about him Jenny. I know God would have told him if he couldn't look down. And that is awesome about Aunt Diane.

I am sorry you are going through depression. I am too. I wish I could snap out of it like you do.

I am so glad you are working with children.

Great things are coming your way. I can feel it.

Love you.
