Saturday, November 26, 2011


This year has been a year full of new and exciting changes.  As some of you may already know I have been in a relationship with John Nowak for over 7 months now.  We met a week after the Spring 2011 # 20 Tres Dias Ladies Weekend.  That weekend I nailed to cross my dream for a husband, children, and goals.  After one week from leaving the mountain I met John.  What a blessing he has been to my life and I promise to post pictures of the adventures we have gone on together since we first started dating.  In June we got a puppy, her name is Roxy and boy has she been a blast.  She is the happiest dog, always running around, loving on you.  In July, John and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon where we watched the morning sunrise with coffee and hot chocolate after taking a short hike.  When you think about how God created the world and you look at the colors that begin to shine through the sunrise it just blows your mind.  In August, I went first to California with Amber for a Universal Studios trip.  It was fun until our bank cards and drivers licenses were stolen and used.  God was watching over us because I had atleast 2 forms of picture ID's so I could confirm who I was when I went to the bank to take money out since we had to finish the trip on cash only.  Then for my birthday my mom, brother, John, Luciano, Phillicia, and myself went to Eloy, Arizona and did some indoor skydiving.  Since I am afraid of heights there was no way I was jumping out of a plane so we figured indoor skydiving would be just as cool.  For me it was, for my mom and brother they are going to try the real thing for my mom's 60th Birthday in a couple years.  September was a little more relaxed except for Woman of Faith, and what an awesome experience to see Amy Grant live.  I grew up singing Amy Grant and to hear her live was just the coolest thing.  October began the craziness of my year with Tres Dias for the men's, which John went through the weekend.  The ladies weekend and my work party, then a California vacation, Universal Studios, The Jay Leno Show, Disneyland, and California Adventures.  After a week of going, I started a new schedule at work.  This schedule is a 3:00pm-11:30pm schedule which ment that I needed to leave Madison Christian in the afternoons.  My life has been centered around the school and the kids for alittle over 5 years and this transition has been harder then I think.  Being up to 11:30 and by the time I settle down to go to bed we are talking 1 or 2 in the morning.  It feels so weird being up past 10pm and I don't get to see as much of John as I would like. I know that God has a plan and he is working some mighty things as because of this change I was able to do my first observations in the classroom for one of my assignments.  So I guess through it all it isn't to bad.  I just have to make sure I go to bed at a consistant hour and stay on top of my school work.  All in all God is good and he has not left me side.  I will try and add some new photos so you can see.  I am praying for you all and look forwarding to seeing God continue to move not only in my life but in your life as well. 

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