Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What a Labor Day weekend...

Well as some of you know I have been on a couple dating sites online. I know that it isn't the best way to meet people but I have gone down that path.  So, on Sunday I met this man on one of the sites.  He checked out my profile a couple times and was curious if I would check out his. Once he noticed I looked at his profile he wrote me that he hoped I would check out his page.  We ended up emailing each other for the next 24 hours.  And when we wrote each other it was like writing a book about who we are.  Last night was the first conversation and it just flowed, we talked for 2 hours about all kinds of things and so we have now exchanged facebook address and such.  Please pray that God would lead and direct in this.  I dont want to fall for the wrong man, and the one thing that stands in the way is he lives in Pennsylvania and I live in Arizona... So I am praying about this and seeing what God has in mind.. My prayer is that if he isn't the right one that God would close the door.. And if this is God's will that he would allow the connection to grow and be smooth.  That way I know it is the Lords will and not mine. So if you could also pray that for me I would be greatful.  God is good and his mercy upon me has been great. 

This weekend was also filled with sadness for a High School friend who was also a friend of my brothers and my nephews uncle committed suicide on Saturday.  I had some fun memories of him and though he wasn't perfect and would drive me crazy at times I would never of wanted him to leave this world this way.  My heart goes out to his family right now. They lost their oldest son 8 years ago and they have still been struggling to survive that, now Charlie... God be with them and please pray for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer - Who was it that committed suicide? Charlie who?? That is WAY WAY sad.

Hey, and with this Penn guy - just take it slow...You never know where God is going to want you to go. You never know who you are going to meet. ESPECIALLY over the net. Be careful on one hand. Plus, with all you have gone through with Mark and Josh - God has a purpose and plan for everything.

You are now able to help teens to be aware and guard their bodies from dangerous men like Mark. Even though I could and would kick his ass ANY day.

And you have helped married women and men who have been cheated on. Mostly women...But you know what its like.

And you know now how to be around a tragedy in death....Your dad...How it came so fast.

You know how to be around a slow death...Josh...and dealing with Cancer.

You know to be picky...and not to settle with men.

God is showing you all of this for a reason. I don't know what yet. But stay strong. And I will certainly keep you in my prayers.

Who knows what is in store for you. And if your on dating sites - that is fine. I know quite a few people who are on them. I say get Martin on one. And Danny! What is wrong with the Sella men??

At least they are not like Grandpa. We broke his evil cycle. All the kids did.

Jenn, I think we need to find Grandpa somehow and confront him. We would probably give him a heart attack. "HI Grandpa" - "Remember us?" QUE THE GODFATHER MUSIC...OR EYE OF THE TIGER MUSIC...We won't leave. We will sit in the rain on his porch until his girlfriend lets us in. Or we can break in. Cops won't believe him.
I am off on one of my fantasies. I have way too many questions for him. Lets go!!! Lets avenge Grandma!
