Thursday, September 2, 2010

The importance of finding PEACE...

As most of you already know I have struggled with how I was treated by Josh's family.  I could never understand why they were so rude to me.  Last night after small groups at Church one of the woman came up to me and explained that she had been following my progress and praying for me with the whole Josh passing.  During the conversation it became clear to both of us that I had been struggling with forgiving and letting go or the using the ultimate word of finding PEACE.  This past couple of weeks I had been praying that the Lord would help me find peace in the situation and allow me to move past the hurt I felt.  God is working and little by little I am starting to see the importance of the peace.  It can haunt you, destroy relationships and at time block a person from moving forward.  It is kinda interesting how this past few weeks at weekly Bible Study with the Madison staff the topic has also been on peace.  I feel God is telling me something.  Please continue to pray as I am not perfect but I am working on it.

So, next topic of choice....  Some of you had requested that I go more into detail about the date.  Well for those who are curious the date was fun, we went ice skating and seemed to have good conversation but the whole married/ divorce thing hung over me.  In the conversations I also found out somethings about his past that didn't sit well with me either.  Now I do understand that no one is perfect and we will all have pasts it is just making me really think.  And we haven't talked since the date so that could be another thing.  We ice skated about 3 laps around the ice rink and then walked through Wal-Mart so he could pick up dog food.  I definately think that doing something where it does not involve coffee and a movies for a first date is a great idea.  It allowed for us to get to know each other and if it would of been uncomfortable then we could of focused on the skating, lol.   Can I just say that dating stinks. When I was a little girl all I wanted was a husband and children.  I felt that the rest would fall right into place.  But here I sit, divorced, losing a boyfriend, and single again.  I have even taking it a step further and talked to God about what he wants from me and why I have to be the one to go through all of this.  I feel I am at a still moment in my life so I am trying to take it for all it is worth.  I have a Monday Night womans study at my home and we had decided to study a book named, " A Woman in Waiting".  This book has gone through the 7 different Ladies from, "A Lady of Virtue", "A Lady of Purity", and "A Lady of Reckless Abandonment"..  This book looks at the story of Ruth and her love of the Lord.  Everyone has a different journey and for me this is mine.  I am still working on my story so I can share it with woman.  God opened the door this past weekend at the Ladies Retreat for me to share.  God brought this woman to the retreat who beginning a new adventrue with her husband and God allowed my story and the story of another woman to help this woman on her journey.  God also allowed the loss of my father to teach me the mourning process so I could support another woman in her journey.  This journey is not an easy one but I can see God working through it all.  So now I pray and wait on the Lord to guide me in the next step.  I ask you all to pray for me as I seek the peace that is needed for me to step away from the hurt and heal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer -

Thank you for sharing all of this. WOW...

Since we were little girls we have always been going through the same things at the same time. Or liking the same things. You know what I mean Cousin....I am right now praying for PEACE...Weird.

Thanks for sharing about the date. I agree with you that dating now days is hard. I don't know from personal experience but a bunch of people who are our age and now back in the dating scene from divorce, or just being single - are having a tough time. Its not like when we were young.

Don't give up on your dream of having that husband and Children. I pray for that for you all the time. I really REALLY want that for you. And got knows the right timing and it will happen.

You are someone I want to be more like. You are a Godly woman Jennifer. Your father is probably in heaven beaming with smiles and so proud of you. I know he is. You have turned such tragedy into amazing reliance on God.

You are a strong woman. Your a Sella child girl. We know what its like to Endure.

I am really happy that you are getting all these chances to go to retreats, have Bible studies at your home, go to church when you can, have bible study on Wed, and so many other things....

It makes me ashamed of what I am not doing for God.

Didn't I tell you God would use you to touch the hearts of MANY people.

Jennifer, I believe you are destined for great things. And God is teaching you patience right now for some reason.

You have to remember that you were a VICTIM from your x-husband. You have to remember that your dad died without any warning. You have to remember that you were the best thing that came into Josh's life. No matter how bad his parents treated you. You were amazing. You are amazing.

And you make me truly ashamed of my life. I have been through trauma in a different way and it has crippled me. But look at you. You are like Grandma Della - You can take the punches and gift up and still serve God and keep going.

I am so proud to have you as my cousin and one of my best friends.

As to that date. Let him go. Don't pursue him.

God is going to bring the right man along for you. And kids too. I know it. And I will pray for it.

I love you so much.
