Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So for the last couple months I have to be honest I have been lazy.  Not wanting to do anything even blogging.  I know that is bad huh...  So here I am writing out what is new in the world of Jenn.  As some of your know I attended a ladies weekend as part of Christian Society this last fall.  I don't talk to much about it but the ladies are sweet and very kind.  Tomorrow I go on my first serving weekend. I am part of the Worship Team, I am excited and praying that it goes well.  Satan has a way of stealing my joy when I go to do something Spirit filled and he is striking again.  There is this young man in my class that is pushing all the right buttons.  He is very argumentative and rude to not only myself but other staff.  It is something that I have faced in my past with other children but this one has me all frustrated.  When dealing with him mom I get no where.  I need a lot of prayer for patience and guidence as I work with him over the next 6 weeks.  He is a fourth grader and his mom explained yesterday that he won't be here after school is over. I have been blessed to be apart of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Night the Light Walk this year.  I will be the head Volunteer for the walk, which is exciting.  I won't be speaking this time but I will be apart of the event to raise money in hopes of saving lives or providing comfort.  Oh, and last Monday, March 28 I started back to school.  So far for it being the 2nd week my assignments have been graded with full credit.  It is an introduction to College course, and it isn't to bad.  It is helping me remember how importnat it is to be motivated and what the school has to offer.  We shall see where it goes but so far I am exicted.  I still have so much to learn though.  And for those that didn't hear my Grandfather went in for triple bypass surgery last week.  From what I know he is doing good, though he still isn't speaking with my family.  I have to be honest I don't know him, he didn't live close when I was growing up, didn't really visit to much.  So maybe that is why it isn't as hard as it could be. I don't know.  My mom is taking it hard, it's her dad, even if he has nothing to do with her life.  I had a great talk with my Grandma about him over the weekend.  She shared what was the final straw between the two and she shared how they met.  It was neat hearing my Grandma's old stories.  I am blessed to have her around now, when I was younger she also wasn't around to much.  It had become like clock work during the summer when she would come and stay for a couple weeks to a month.  It was always fun having her around. I think that is why I enjoy my time with her now.  Well work is calling my name....  Please be in prayer for my family, my Grandfather, this weekend, and school.  God is moving and I just pray I follow his lead...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenn! I love you so much. This was a great update post. I wish I could do that Lukemia walk with you - one day I will. I promise. I love my talks with Grandma too...I don't know the final straw.. but I do know how they met - She finally told me. You are such a brave and wonderful person to be as blessed and strong as you are. You know how you lose motivation? I am like that too in SOOO many ways. But I think the best part of that is that you never give up - You keep picking yourself back up and trying and trying again. I also don't know how to feel about grandpa. I was panicked and scared and angry and sad for a few days - and now I am to the point of where I don't even know if I should contact him or just keep praying for him and letting it go? I don't know. I think we need a long Jenn and Carrie talk - we always get interrupted. I am so glad you got to do the singing thing. I am so proud of you and how you long for God and you seek out all these great things to celebrate and worship God. I am so sorry about your struggles with this fourth grader. But you said it right - God is teaching you patience. That is one thing I need too! I a fiery girl. With a big huge mouth. Hang in there cousin who is my twin.
