Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To my surprise

Well to my surprise in April after Tres Dias I met a man, I think I may have mentioned that I was going on a date this what seemed to be a nice man.  The date was so much fun, this man is funny, mature, and completly no what I was expecting.  I gave up the dating scene, was tired of dating the duds, and to my surprise the Lord brings me this man.  His name is John, and he is so sweet, king, God fearing, supportive, loving, understanding, and meets every thing on my list.  Even the items my Mom crossed off  because we felt it was to much to ask for, he has it.  We have are no official boyfriend and girlfriend as well as puppy owners.  He had been wanting to get a dog for awhile now but just didn't feel like it was the right time until now.  Her name is Roxy and boy is she something. She is so smart already and funny, you just can't help but fall in love with her from the moment you lie your hands on her.  I can see God's hand in this relationship and so look forward to where this goes.

Last night I had a great talk with a friend which brought up the fact that this coming weekend will be the 1 year Anniversary of Josh's passing.  I can't believe that it has been a year already.  I remember last year I was such a mess, full of different emotions and to be where I am today feels so good.  I loved Josh but I can see now it was a different love then what I feel for John.  This weekend I am going to the Grand Canyon to celebrate my parents Anniversay and John's parents Anniversary.  John had never been to the Grand Canyon so we wanted to do something special to remember the LOVE they shared.  God is good and his love is truely unfailing .  Thank you to all who have prayed for me and I will continue to write and share this new relationship with you.  Talk about Completing me, God is doing a mighty work , and he isn't done yet.  Praise God and all his love, mercy, and all the wonderful friends he has given me.  I wouldn't be where I am today without you all.

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