Tuesday, August 24, 2010

After the date.. Oh goodness

So let me first say that Saturday before the date and while talking with a couple co-workers I facebooked the guy.  I know, but I dont really know this guy so I have to be careful.  Well, facebook showed he was married still, with a picture of him and his wife.  Let me first say that I did ask him about it.  He stated that he wasnt the one that kept up with facebook, his ex wife did. But when I read some of the posts it seemed to be him writing not his ex-wife. He did explain and I did still go on the date but I definately kept my guard up. I also learned that he kept talked about his ex-wife.  He isn't ready to date.  But for me I learned that I am going to be okay.  That Josh would want me to get back out there.  Sunday was the one month mark of Josh's passing.  I just can't believe that he isn't here to talk to, to watch movies with, to keep me up to all hours of the night.  Last Wednesday night during the group Pastor JD was reading Phillippians and he read chapter 1 verse 3, "I thank God every time I remember you."  I know that it was Paul sharing that with the Church in Philippi, but I feel that way about Josh.  He was a gift from God to teach me that there is a man that will be the perfect fit for me. I just have to be patient, and have fun, enjoy my life and all that comes.. Even the bad dates... So one to the next one...  This weekend I am attending the Woman's Retreat with my church so I look forward to the weekend in Prescott.  It is being held at my old stomping grounds Emmanuel Pines.  Please keep me and the other woman in your prayers and thoughts this weekend.  Satan has a tendence to attack when God is involved.. Off to bed but wanted to share the date with everyone.  I do love you all and pray for you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer - I didn't know the guy was married!!! Weird. I think we need a phone talk. Are they officially divorced?? And it does sound like he is SOOOO NOT NOT ready to date if he was talking about the ex all night. Was he bad mouthing her? Or just talking about her?? I got your phone message - We gotta catch up with each other.

I think you right about Josh. And comparing what you did in your blog about Paul to the church is an awesome comparison. Because Paul loved the churches...and your right - they had to be patient for the letters and to hear back and forth. And to hear God's words.

So, I say - Keep dating...be still...Be patient...The right guy will come along.

And don't think of the one month date since Josh's passing. Don't even remember the date he passed. Its not something to celebrate. Unless you are celebrating that he is with God....But celebrate his birthday if you remember it when it comes around.

And yes, Josh would want you to be happy. And you will always miss him and cherish that friendship you had with him.

Just take the dates - one step at a time. Don't go into them expecting too much...And it if hits you - BAM he is the one - You will know it. And God will put that right one in your path.

I keep praying for Grandma that she will meet someone also - and your mom.

I don't know if I said the right thing. But I love you.


PS...Have fun at the Women's retreat - Sounds like fun.