Saturday, November 26, 2011


This year has been a year full of new and exciting changes.  As some of you may already know I have been in a relationship with John Nowak for over 7 months now.  We met a week after the Spring 2011 # 20 Tres Dias Ladies Weekend.  That weekend I nailed to cross my dream for a husband, children, and goals.  After one week from leaving the mountain I met John.  What a blessing he has been to my life and I promise to post pictures of the adventures we have gone on together since we first started dating.  In June we got a puppy, her name is Roxy and boy has she been a blast.  She is the happiest dog, always running around, loving on you.  In July, John and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon where we watched the morning sunrise with coffee and hot chocolate after taking a short hike.  When you think about how God created the world and you look at the colors that begin to shine through the sunrise it just blows your mind.  In August, I went first to California with Amber for a Universal Studios trip.  It was fun until our bank cards and drivers licenses were stolen and used.  God was watching over us because I had atleast 2 forms of picture ID's so I could confirm who I was when I went to the bank to take money out since we had to finish the trip on cash only.  Then for my birthday my mom, brother, John, Luciano, Phillicia, and myself went to Eloy, Arizona and did some indoor skydiving.  Since I am afraid of heights there was no way I was jumping out of a plane so we figured indoor skydiving would be just as cool.  For me it was, for my mom and brother they are going to try the real thing for my mom's 60th Birthday in a couple years.  September was a little more relaxed except for Woman of Faith, and what an awesome experience to see Amy Grant live.  I grew up singing Amy Grant and to hear her live was just the coolest thing.  October began the craziness of my year with Tres Dias for the men's, which John went through the weekend.  The ladies weekend and my work party, then a California vacation, Universal Studios, The Jay Leno Show, Disneyland, and California Adventures.  After a week of going, I started a new schedule at work.  This schedule is a 3:00pm-11:30pm schedule which ment that I needed to leave Madison Christian in the afternoons.  My life has been centered around the school and the kids for alittle over 5 years and this transition has been harder then I think.  Being up to 11:30 and by the time I settle down to go to bed we are talking 1 or 2 in the morning.  It feels so weird being up past 10pm and I don't get to see as much of John as I would like. I know that God has a plan and he is working some mighty things as because of this change I was able to do my first observations in the classroom for one of my assignments.  So I guess through it all it isn't to bad.  I just have to make sure I go to bed at a consistant hour and stay on top of my school work.  All in all God is good and he has not left me side.  I will try and add some new photos so you can see.  I am praying for you all and look forwarding to seeing God continue to move not only in my life but in your life as well. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

And the beat goes on....

So it has been a year since I started this blog and boy have I seen the Lord take me from the Valleys and renew in me a life.  During 2010 I took a break from school becuase it was just to hard with two jobs and helping Josh.  As of April of this year I started back to school and so far I have 2 A's and am about to finish my third class since my return and I believe I have a high B or low A.  I am enjoying the classes and look forward to digging more into the education classes that I start actually on Monday.  My relationship with John is awesome.  He is such the nicest man, he bought me a beautiful neckless for my birthday and went indoor skydiving with me.  He has such the sweetest heart and I love spending time with him.  We went to the Grand Canyon together in July and such a nice time taking in the sights between hiking or sharing a cool beer on the view point.  We stayed in this cabin on the rim and woke up to a beautiful sunrise, seeing the light rise around the Canyon was gorgious and priceless.  We even got a dog together, well it is more his dog then mine but she calls us Mom and Dad, lol..  She is a miniture schnauzer ( forgive the spelling) and her name is Roxy.  She is like 6 lbs and full of energy.  Life is so much different this year then last year, I mean, last year I remember laying in my bed at night alone, crying my eyes out from losing Josh feeling that God has to have someone for me.  Now I spend my evenings chasing a dog around the yard and/or hanging out with this awesome man.  At this point I couldn't be happier, my fears of losing John are there because of everything I have been through but I know that God is in control.  And as my dad always said, " raise up your hands and enjoy the ride."  Just continue to pray that God leads this relationship and that I enjoy the time we spend together.  I am truely blessed and even through the valleys I see the Lord guiding me, though I may stumble at times I always find my way back. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To my surprise

Well to my surprise in April after Tres Dias I met a man, I think I may have mentioned that I was going on a date this what seemed to be a nice man.  The date was so much fun, this man is funny, mature, and completly no what I was expecting.  I gave up the dating scene, was tired of dating the duds, and to my surprise the Lord brings me this man.  His name is John, and he is so sweet, king, God fearing, supportive, loving, understanding, and meets every thing on my list.  Even the items my Mom crossed off  because we felt it was to much to ask for, he has it.  We have are no official boyfriend and girlfriend as well as puppy owners.  He had been wanting to get a dog for awhile now but just didn't feel like it was the right time until now.  Her name is Roxy and boy is she something. She is so smart already and funny, you just can't help but fall in love with her from the moment you lie your hands on her.  I can see God's hand in this relationship and so look forward to where this goes.

Last night I had a great talk with a friend which brought up the fact that this coming weekend will be the 1 year Anniversary of Josh's passing.  I can't believe that it has been a year already.  I remember last year I was such a mess, full of different emotions and to be where I am today feels so good.  I loved Josh but I can see now it was a different love then what I feel for John.  This weekend I am going to the Grand Canyon to celebrate my parents Anniversay and John's parents Anniversary.  John had never been to the Grand Canyon so we wanted to do something special to remember the LOVE they shared.  God is good and his love is truely unfailing .  Thank you to all who have prayed for me and I will continue to write and share this new relationship with you.  Talk about Completing me, God is doing a mighty work , and he isn't done yet.  Praise God and all his love, mercy, and all the wonderful friends he has given me.  I wouldn't be where I am today without you all.

Friday, April 29, 2011

To the unexpected....

So where do I start...  During the last Tres Dias weekend I felt like God was telling me to release one of deepest dreams and allow him to take control instead of me.  As most of you know since I was a little girl I have always wanted to be married and have a family.  And after Mark and then Josh I felt that God had different plans though the dream was still there and I was dying to have it.  Over the course of my life I have learned so much about the importance of God's timing and have struggled with the word "Patience".  I have no patience, really I have none.  I don't understand why I would have to wait for something I truely wanted.  I know God has a way, I have been told this all my life, but this one is different.  I put my faith and trust in God after Mark, I saw what following my own way and not God's way can do.  I wanted to be patient I prayed for it, but now I sit here after meeting a very sweet man.  A Godly man at that, who prays, and have a positive attitude from what I can tell.  So now, lets go back to April 9, 2011, I looked down at the cross and the hammer and nails.  I prayed that God would take control of my destiny and my dreams.  I went up and nailed it all, my dreams, my desires, my life.  I told God that night that it was time I get rid of my selfishness and allow him to finish the work he had started so long ago.  I can home with a sense of peace, like the calm before the storm is what it felt like.  I had been on a few differnet dating sites ( I know what was I thinking, well I wasn't thinking... I was lonely).  I cancelled them all after that weekend, I knew if I was going to allow God to work then he had to have complete control. Well I guess I forgot to delete one of them.  The next Thursday I got this email about some guy adding me to their favorites.  I checked out his profile before I was going to delete mine and it turned out that it didn't look so bad so while I was typing him an intro email he was typing me at the same time.  Come to find out we both sent them to each other at the same exact moment.  The emails began from there and then a week later we had our first date at Crackerjacks playing miniture golf.  The date was so much fun, full of laughing and getting to know each other.  I have to say that I beat him pretty good but he was a gracious loser and still makes fun of me on how I won. He then went to Church with me on Easter Sunday and we had a great time of getting to know each other.  I am not sure where this is going to go but I am praying that God would stay in control and lead.  I am asking all of you to pray too as my heart is fragile but my faith is strong.  This year was presented to me as being a how are you going to complete me.  God how are you going to work in all that I have been through to be a light until your path.  God is moving and to what direction I am not sure but as a Godly man once wrote me, "Life is like a roller coaster, raise you hands and enjoy the ride." (Leo Jr. Garrett).  Please continue to be in prayer over the next few months for me and this relationship with John.  And I will be in prayer for you.   

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So for the last couple months I have to be honest I have been lazy.  Not wanting to do anything even blogging.  I know that is bad huh...  So here I am writing out what is new in the world of Jenn.  As some of your know I attended a ladies weekend as part of Christian Society this last fall.  I don't talk to much about it but the ladies are sweet and very kind.  Tomorrow I go on my first serving weekend. I am part of the Worship Team, I am excited and praying that it goes well.  Satan has a way of stealing my joy when I go to do something Spirit filled and he is striking again.  There is this young man in my class that is pushing all the right buttons.  He is very argumentative and rude to not only myself but other staff.  It is something that I have faced in my past with other children but this one has me all frustrated.  When dealing with him mom I get no where.  I need a lot of prayer for patience and guidence as I work with him over the next 6 weeks.  He is a fourth grader and his mom explained yesterday that he won't be here after school is over. I have been blessed to be apart of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Night the Light Walk this year.  I will be the head Volunteer for the walk, which is exciting.  I won't be speaking this time but I will be apart of the event to raise money in hopes of saving lives or providing comfort.  Oh, and last Monday, March 28 I started back to school.  So far for it being the 2nd week my assignments have been graded with full credit.  It is an introduction to College course, and it isn't to bad.  It is helping me remember how importnat it is to be motivated and what the school has to offer.  We shall see where it goes but so far I am exicted.  I still have so much to learn though.  And for those that didn't hear my Grandfather went in for triple bypass surgery last week.  From what I know he is doing good, though he still isn't speaking with my family.  I have to be honest I don't know him, he didn't live close when I was growing up, didn't really visit to much.  So maybe that is why it isn't as hard as it could be. I don't know.  My mom is taking it hard, it's her dad, even if he has nothing to do with her life.  I had a great talk with my Grandma about him over the weekend.  She shared what was the final straw between the two and she shared how they met.  It was neat hearing my Grandma's old stories.  I am blessed to have her around now, when I was younger she also wasn't around to much.  It had become like clock work during the summer when she would come and stay for a couple weeks to a month.  It was always fun having her around. I think that is why I enjoy my time with her now.  Well work is calling my name....  Please be in prayer for my family, my Grandfather, this weekend, and school.  God is moving and I just pray I follow his lead...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Way to long...

I have to first apologize for not writing on sooner.  Starting towards to end of October things got very busy.  I had the most amazing experience at Tres Dias and would love for all to be apart of this amazing group of woman.  God opened the door for me to sit at a table with woman who not only understood the panin I was dealing with after the loss of my friend but also the forgiveness that needed to come for my ex husband.  God gave me peace to nail those pains to the cross.  I left that weekend feeling released and reknewed.  The months to follow this amazing weekend have found me to be excited about the Thanksgiving and Christmas allowed me enjoy my time with Marty, my Mom, and Grandma.  Finding myself through this past year is what my mission was.  I had the blessed opportunity to share my fathers story at the memorial ceremony at the Leukemia and Lymophony Walk for Life.  I was nervious and excited all at the same time.  150 were present and I talked about the love I had for my father and how we handled the events.  God is good and I felt so good share that stroy.  I can't wait to be able to share again.  I will do my best to keep everyone up to date with my journey for the rest of the year. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I know it has been a long time....

I have to apologize that it has taken me so long to write.  I found myself going into a depression state with everything dealing with Josh.  It took me till one day I heard someone say, " If they are not losing sleep over you, then why are you losing sleep over them."  Wow what a statement.  I woke up that day and found myself smiling again and loving life.  I am now in this wonderful state with myself. I love who I am and am excited to see what the Lord does with me next. 

I completed my first speaking engagment where I shared my fathers store and my journey with 150 people at the Light the Night Walk Remembrence Ceremony.  It went so well that I was asked to speak again next year.  God is good and he is giving me strength to let go and look ahead.  I wonder if my Dad was looking down and listening to me. My mom came down for the event and helped me decorate.  This is a big step for her as she usually does not do anything like this.  We also walked half of the walk because my mom was so sore from the first lap. 

I am currently working on the Christmas Program at the school I work for.  I took this play I found and worked it so it would fit the music we are singing and here we go.  I am getting more excited as it comes.  Please pray that the children do a great job and have fun with it.

Please pray that God continues to use me during this time to do all I can for him that I couldnt do while I was married.